
Setup Mobsfscan in Azure DevOps

Hello everyone! Welcome to pentestguy. In this article we are going to focus on how to setup mobsfscan in azure devops. What does it mean? As we know MobSF is one of the most popular tool use for android app pentesting. and MobSF have a child tool named as mobsfscan which is a static analysis tool that help to find the insecure code patterns in Android and iOS source code. Here we are going to setup the mobsfscan in azure devops build pipeline which helps to find insecure code patterns. For this demonstration I am using InsecureBankv2 repository.

What is Android-InsecureBankv2?

It’s vulnerable android application which is really helpful for security enthusiasts and developers to learn about android securities.

Clone repository into azure devops or use your own repository/project you are going to implement this test. After that create azure-pipeline.yml file and add the below code into it. In your case might be some more tasks are there, In this case we are only focusing on implementation of mobsfscan and report generation.

- none

- none

  name: Self-hosted

- job: Publish
  displayName: 'Publish Job'
    name: Self-hosted
  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
      pathtoPublish: 'InsecureBankv2/app/src/'
      artifactName: 'InsecureBankv2'

  - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
      buildType: 'current'
      downloadType: 'single'
      artifactName: 'InsecureBankv2'
      downloadPath: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)'

  - script: |
      # Assuming you have a script to install MobSF dependencies
      # and run the mobsfscan command
      mobsfscan --no-fail --html -o $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/report.html $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/InsecureBankv2/
    displayName: 'Run MobSF Scan'
  - publish: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/report.html
    artifact: MobSFScanReport
    displayName: 'Publish MobSF Scan Report'

In the above example pool – self hosted which is private ubuntu host and make sure to install m obsfscan on the pool agent where the tasks are going to be execute. Also make sure to provide src path to the mobsfscan which is given in the above code.

To install mosbsfscan use the command given below:

pip3 install mobsfscan

Create new pipeline and choose the repository, run it and check whether it’s executed successfully or not.

In the above example, tasks executed successfully and got two atrtifacts one of them is report of mobsfscan

Check for the artifacts and download the report which is in html format.


Added the sample report here for reference – Save it and open in the browser for proper view.


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