Install Metasploit on android (rootless)

Hi everyone, welcome to Pentestguy. This article will show how to install metasploit on an Android (rootless) device. Here we will use termux to install metasploit on an android device (rootless) which is the best way to do it successfully.

Metasploit is one of the most widely used frameworks for vulnerability assessment and penetration testing, commonly utilized by both ethical hackers and cybersecurity professionals. Through this guide, you’ll be able to install and run Metasploit on your Android device seamlessly.

Install Termux on Android device

Termux is an open-source emulator that has various linux packages and by using this we can install Metasploit Framework without rooting the android device.

Download the termux.apk from github and install it –


Open Termux and run the below command to update the packages.

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y

Install curl as we need to download the shell file of metaspoit which will automatically install the metasploit for us including the dependencies.

Run the below command to install the curl

pkg install curl

Before starting, install python3 as it’s a dependency and will not install automatically.

Run the below command on termux to install python3

pkg install python3

Now, let’s download the file and provide the executable permission to it.
For that run the below commands. Download link –

curl -LO
chmod +x

To install the metasploit framework on android device via termux, run the bash script. Please ensure you have a strong internet connection as it will take 15-20 minutes and if it’s failing then run it again until it installs successfully.


After installation is complete, start the metasploit using the command – msfconsole and now we are free to use the metasploit framework on the android device.


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